Study on marketing and constraints of Aloe vera in Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan
Harshit Saini, Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Dr. AK Rai
The purpose of study was to identify the marketing channels, price spread, marketing margins, producer’s share in consumer’s rupee and marketing efficiency of Aloe vera in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. A total of 80 Aloe vera cultivators were selected for the study. The primary data was collected using the survey method. The study was conducted in Chirawa block of Jhunjhunu during the year 2022-23 as based on the fact that a large area is covered under the cultivation of Aloe vera in Rajasthan. There were mainly two channels were identified in the Aloe vera cultivation and they were Channel I: Producer → Processing and Manufacturing Units, Channel II: Producer → Commission agent → Processing and Manufacturing Units. The channel I had the higher marketing efficiency 2.43 as compared to channel II but still Aloe vera cultivators preferred the channel I for the disposal of their produce which shows the dominance of the commission agents present in the market. This paper provides the valuable information about the marketing of Aloe vera and all the intermediaries present. The major constraints in Aloe vera cultivation were Lack of irrigation, dominance of commission agents, electricity supply and lack of Labour.
How to cite this article:
Harshit Saini, Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Dr. AK Rai. Study on marketing and constraints of Aloe vera in Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 900-903.