Abstract:The present investigation was carried out to study relationship between profile of the respondents and their awareness and consumption of millets in Marathwada region. The study was conducted in the eight districts of Marathwada region. The data revealed that majority (47.87%) of the respondents were middle age group (i.e. between 30 to 49 years), 37.43 per cent of the respondents were having education upto graduation level, 14.97 per cent of them were diploma holders, 49.73 per cent of the respondents were having agriculture as a main occupation. Data reported that the majority of the respondents (35.03%) were having family annual income below Rs. 1 lakh, 74.06 per cent of them received information about millets from their relatives/friends. The result indicated that the independent variables viz., age, main occupation, family background and source of information about millets have positively significant relationship with awareness of millets among the respondents. Whereas education, gender, family size, and family annual income do not have any relationship with the awareness about millets. The data further indicated that the independent variables viz., age, family background and source of information about millets have highly positive and significant relationship with consumption score of millets among the respondents. Whereas main occupation of the respondents has positively significant relationship with consumption score of millets. Table 3 further reported that variables viz., education, gender, family size, and family annual income do not have any significant relationship with their consumption score of millets.