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Vol. 12, Special Issue 7 (2023)

Lip avulsion in a cat and its surgical treatment

A Debbarma, SS Behera, J Dash, SR Mishra and M Behera
Mandibular lip avulsion due to a fight in a 3 year old male cat was presented with difficulty in the movement of the lower jaw during prehension and mastication. Under general anaesthesia, the surgical site was prepared aseptically. Debridement was done before apposition of the lower lip with mandibular symphyseal tissue. The animal showed an uneventful recovery without any further complications after 14 days.
Pages: 208-209  |  1695 Views  1345 Downloads
How to cite this article:
A Debbarma, SS Behera, J Dash, SR Mishra and M Behera. Lip avulsion in a cat and its surgical treatment. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 208-209.

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