Vol. 12, Special Issue 7 (2023)
Surgical management of testicular tumour in a Spitz dog: A case report
SS Behera, I Nath, A Debbarma and M Behera
A 7-year-old intact male Spitz was brought in with a history of scrotal enlargement and recent urine incontinence. On physical examination, an atypical testicular growth was seen. It was diagnosed as a testicular tumour on ultrasonography. The tumour was removed under general anesthesia. The animal recovered without incident.
How to cite this article:
SS Behera, I Nath, A Debbarma and M Behera. Surgical management of testicular tumour in a Spitz dog: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 204-205.