Vol. 12, Special Issue 6 (2023)
Effect of A1 / A2 milk protein on Biochemical and haematological parameters of Mice
Anuj Kumar Yadav, Akhilesh Pandey and Y Pandey
In present study one group of mice was treated with A1 milk whereas another group was treated with A2 milk. Different parameters of Haematological and Biochemical test on above two groups of mice revealed non-Significantly higher Haemoglobin Hb (mg%) was noticed in A2 treated group of mice compare to A1 milk treated mice. A1 milk treated group of mice showed significantly higher TLC mean value compared to control group and A2 treated group. Non-significantly but higher mean value of PCV (%) and RBC was noticed in A2 milk treated group of mice. The mean value of Neutrophils (%) of A1/A2 milk treated group of mice showed non-significant difference with each other. Non-significantly but higher mean value of Lymphocytes (%) was noticed in A2 milk treated group of mice compared to A1 milk treated group. A1 milk treated group of mice showed significantly higher Eosinophils (%) mean value 02.00b±0.60 compared to A2 milk treated group 01.00a±0.85. So A1 milk may cause allergic condition. The mean value of Monocytes (%) of A1/A2 milk treated group of mice showed non-significant difference with each other. A2 milk treated group of mice showed significantly higher Total protein (g/dl) mean value 6.64 b±2.10 compared to A1 milk treated group 5.75a±2.75. A2 milk treated group of mice showed significantly lower Cholesterol (mg/dl) mean value 105.91a±6.55 compared to A1 milk treated group 138.37b±7.94. A2 milk treated group of mice showed significantly lower Triglyceride (mg/dl) mean value 72.71a±5.35 compared to A1 milk treated group 105.41b±9.20.
How to cite this article:
Anuj Kumar Yadav, Akhilesh Pandey and Y Pandey. Effect of A1 / A2 milk protein on Biochemical and haematological parameters of Mice. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(6S): 264-267.