Abstract:A field experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Unit, Dr. PDKV, Akola during kharif of 2021-22 and was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) design with two main plot treatments and four sub plot treatments.
The soil of experimental plot was vertisol, it was low in available nitrogen and organic carbon (0.37), medium in phosphorus, rich in available potassium and slightly alkaline in reaction (7.7). The cotton seed was sown at 90 x 30 cm spacing with 60:30:30 NPK kg/ha. The main plot treatments were two i.e. V1 : PDKV JKAL-116 and V2: AKH-9-5 (Suvarna shubhra) and sub plot treatments were four i.e. B1: Bio stimulant (Anacardic acid) @ 4 mg litre-1 at 30, 45 and 60 DAS (20 mg+5 litre of water + 0.5 ml of DMSO), B2: Bio stimulant (Anacardic acid) @ 4 mg litre-1 at 45, 60 and 75 DAS (20 mg+5 litre of water + 0.5 ml of DMSO), B3: DMSO @ 100 µl litre-1 spray at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS (0.5 ml of DMSO+ 5 litre of water) and B4: Control (water spray 30, 45, 60 and 75). Yield attributes and seed yield (kg ha-1) viz., number of bolls picked plant-1, average boll weights (g), seed cotton yield plant-1 (kg ha-1) were recorded maximum in genotype V1: PDKV JKAL-116 Bt (BG-II). The seed cotton yield was significantly highest in V1: PDKV JKAL-116 Bt (BG-II) (2275 kg ha-1) followed by V2: AKH-9-5 (Suvarna shubhra) (1725 kg ha-1). Same trend was observed in lint yield kg ha-1, stalk yield kg ha-1 andharvest index. Significantly maximum Gross monetary return (Rs.137050) was registered in V1: PDKV JKAL-116 Bt (BG-II) followed by V2: AKH-9-5 (Suvarna shubhra) (Rs.103942) also the significantly maximum Net monetary return (Rs.82030) was observed in V1: PDKV JKAL-116 Bt (BG-II) followed by V2: AKH-9-5 (Suvarna shubhra) (Rs.53770) and B:C ratio was also highest (2.49) in V1: PDKV JKAL-116 Bt (BG-II) over (2.07) in V2 : AKH-9-5 (Suvarna shubhra). The seed cotton yield was significantly highest in treatment B1: Anacardic acid @ 4 mg litre-1 at 30,45 and 60 DAS (2256 kg ha-1) which was at par with B2: Anacardic acid @ 4 mg litre-1 at 45, 60 and 75 DAS (2068 kg ha-1). Same trend was observed in lint yield kg ha-1, stalk yield kg ha-1 and harvest index.
Significantly maximum GMR (Rs.135908) was registered in B1: Anacardic acid @ 4 mg/lit at 30, 45 and 60 DAS and lowest GMR was recorded in B4: Water spray at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS (Rs.103269) also maximum NMR and B:C was also registered in B1: Anacardic acid @ 4 mg litre-1 at 30,45 and 60 and lowest in B4: Water spray at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS. Interaction effect of genotypes and application of different bio stimulant were found to be non-significant in respect of all parameter except yield.