Abstract:The agricultural industry relies heavily on crop protection products to ensure food security and economic development. To assess the market potential for crop protection products in the diverse agricultural landscape of the region. The study involved 5 Area Business Managers and 5 Dealers across 5 districts of central Gujarat. Both primary and secondary data were collected to achieve the objectives of the study. Primary data were gathered through structured schedules, and various analytical techniques such as tabular analysis were employed. The study revealed varied agricultural practices across districts, with major crops including paddy, wheat, cotton, tobacco, and maize. Paddy cultivation emerged as a prominent crop in several districts, indicating a strong demand for paddy crop protection products such as pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides. Cotton, tobacco, and maize also presented viable markets based on their respective acreages in specific districts. This research concludes that Gujarat's agricultural landscape offers significant market potential for a range of crop protection products. Input providers and companies operating in the crop protection sectors can explore opportunities in paddy, cotton, tobacco, and maize cultivation areas and tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of farmers in these regions.