Estimation of growth and instability in shrimp production of Andhra Pradesh and India
M Rajani, A Balasubramanian and O Sudhakar
The growth and instability in terms of area, production and productivity of shrimp in Andhra Pradesh and India were appraised for a period of 16 years from 2005-06 to 2020-21 grouping the data into four sub-periods viz., I (2005-06 to 2008-09), II (2009-10 to 2012-13), III (2013-14 to 2016-17) and IV (2017-18 to 2020-21). The overall compound growth rate of area and production of shrimp in Andhra Pradesh and India were found to be significantly negative (p<0.05) while productivity was positively significant during 2005-06 to 2020-21. In Andhra Pradesh, the maximum growth in production was observed during the sub-period III (17.74%) followed by sub period IV (14.44%). The highest productivity was observed in sub period II (13.53) followed by sub period III (12.37%) whereas the highest growth in area was observed in sub period IV (5.73%) followed by III (5.37%). In India, the highest growth in area (16.41%), production (75.09%) and productivity (62.27%) was observed in sub period IV followed by sub period II. Cuddy-Della Valle instability index provided the best estimates and high instability was found in productivity both in India (218.51%) as well as Andhra Pradesh (47.33%) whereas the low instability was noticed in production and area of culture. The overall low instability index for area and production for Andhra Pradesh did not vary much while they varied greatly for India. The relationship between area and production of shrimp culture was significantly correlated over the period for Andhra Pradesh (99.26%) and India (65.04%).
How to cite this article:
M Rajani, A Balasubramanian and O Sudhakar. Estimation of growth and instability in shrimp production of Andhra Pradesh and India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 1582-1589.