A study on sustainable intensification of maize under intercropping with pulse at Mahabubnagar district of Telangana state
K Aruna, JS Sudha Rani and A Ramakrishna Babu
This experiment was conducted consecutively from Kharif 2015 to Kharif 2017. Intercropping of Maize with Redgram at 2:1 ratio as field trial in Mahabubnagar district, of Telangana state, India to harness good returns from the complimentary component crops. When Maize crop is faced with prolonged dry spells complete loss of the crop is very common, hence, intercropping it with redgram assures farmers some yields compensating the main crop. Pooled data over three years indicated that intercropping of maize with redgram at 2:1 row ratio on an average recorded 75.5 per cent yield increase when compared its yield equivalents with sole maize and B:C ratio of 2.4 in intercrop and 1.72 in sole crop was realized.
How to cite this article:
K Aruna, JS Sudha Rani and A Ramakrishna Babu. A study on sustainable intensification of maize under intercropping with pulse at Mahabubnagar district of Telangana state. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 1074-1075.