Bilateral premature closure of ulnar growth plate in a golden retriever: Its diagnosis and surgical management with ulnar ostectomy and cuneiform osteotomy of radius
Dwijen Kalita, CK Singh, Arup Das, PJ Nath and Shantishree Das
A 20 kg, 8 month old, male Golden Retriever was presented for not being able to walk normally. The condition started after 2 months of birth, there were gradual increase in the outward deviation of both the forelimbs from the carpal joint distally. Physiological parameters were all in normal range and body score of the animal was 3 (normal). Clinical evaluation revealed pain on carpal joints and valgus deviation of carpal joints and paws. Radiograph in lateral and cranio-caudal view showed cranial bowing of the radius in both the limbs with closure of distal ulnar physes. The left forelimb was more aggravated then the right one. Hemato-biochemical parameters were in normal range. Left partial ulnar ostectomy and left radial close wedge osteotomy (cuneiform osteotomy) were performed under general anesthesia using diazepam and ketamine HCl and was maintained with Isoflurane throughout the surgery. The left radius was then stabilized with 2.7 mm LCP. A caudal splint was applied and for rehabilitation hydrotherapy was advised for 2 months after the removal of skin suture. After 1 month of first surgery the right partial ulnar ostectomy was performed following the same anesthetic protocol as before and for rehabilitation hydrotherapy was advised as before.
How to cite this article:
Dwijen Kalita, CK Singh, Arup Das, PJ Nath and Shantishree Das. Bilateral premature closure of ulnar growth plate in a golden retriever: Its diagnosis and surgical management with ulnar ostectomy and cuneiform osteotomy of radius. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 926-930.