Abstract:The present study entitled “Evaluation of F
1 hybrids in chilli (
Capsicum annuum L.)” was carried out to study the growth, yield and yield attributing characters in chilli. The field trial comprise thirty F
1 hybrids, 13 parents and 3 checks sown in Randomized Block Design with two replications, during
kharif 2020-2021.
Among the thirty F1 hybrids, the maximum yield per hectare was observed in P2 X P5 (608.64 qt) compared to parents and checks. Taking growth, yield and yield attributing characters along with incidence of pest and diseases into consideration, the hybrids P2 X P5, P1 X P8, P1 X P13, P2 X P13 and P2 X P9 were found superior to parents and checks. These hybrids can be used for further improvement in chilli.