Effect of immunomodulatory diet on haematological indices in crossbred cows during transition period at Southern districts of Tamil Nadu
Chhavi Gupta, K Krishnakumar, S Rangasamy, S Malmarugan and M Chellapandian
This study was conducted in 36 multiparous Cross Bred Jersey cows at Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi districts of Tamil Nadu state in India from 4 weeks prepartum to 4 weeks postpartum with the aim to evaluate the effect of an immunomodulatory diet on haematological parameters. Animals were randomly divided into three groups on the basis of feeding viz. Group I (n=12), as control, Group II (n=12), was fed with conventional balanced feed and Group III (n=12), was fed with an immunomodulatory diet with flax seed and the inclusion of organic minerals and supplements. Blood was collected on day -28, -21, -14, -7 prepartum; day 0 parturition; day 7, 14, 21 and 28 postpartum and subjected to haematological analysis and Hb (g/dl), PCV (%), TEC (106/µl), TLC (103/µl) and Platelets (x/µl) were estimated. This study revealed that Hb (g/dl) PCV (%), TEC (106/µl), TLC (103/µl) during prepartum, parturition and postpartum periods between day -28 prepartum to 28 postpartum in Group III was significantly higher (p<0.05) than Group II and Group I and Platelets count (x/µl) was significantly higher in Group III only during parturition than Group II and Group I.
How to cite this article:
Chhavi Gupta, K Krishnakumar, S Rangasamy, S Malmarugan and M Chellapandian. Effect of immunomodulatory diet on haematological indices in crossbred cows during transition period at Southern districts of Tamil Nadu. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 885-891.