A rare case of post ictal blindness in a Labrador dog suffering from status epilepsy
Desh Deepak, Vipul Thakur, Naresh Chandra and Dr. Vinod Kumar Varun
The present study reports an unusual complication of Post ictus bilateral visual loss for a transient period associated with status epilepticus in a four-year Labrador dog presented to Veterinary clinical complex, SVPUAT, Meerut. The case was presented with a history of seizures for the last two years and was undergoing treatment with oral phenobarbitone therapy. At the time of presentation, the dog was in a continuous state of seizures for the last 35 minutes therefore, the case was tentatively diagnosed as status epilepticus and antiepileptic therapy was initiated using intravenous diazepam bolus @1.0 mg/kg body weight. Seizures were nonresponsive therefore second bolus of intravenous diazepam was administered @ 2.0 mg/kg body weight in combination with intravenous mannitol @1.0 mg/kg body weight. Seizures were responsive to high-dose intravenous diazepam therapy @ 2.0 mg/kg body weight and were further managed with a combination of phenobarbitone and valproic acid. The dog was observed on the second day showing the state of delirium and walking into obstacles. Ocular examination reveals no ocular abnormality. Menace test and obstacle test suggest loss of vision but pupillary light reflex was intact. Examination of CSF reveals normal appearance and normal cell count. Based on history and clinical evidence, the condition was tentatively diagnosed as post ictalblindness which resolves within 48 hours. The Drugs were well tolerated by the dog with recovery from status epilepsy and subsidence of post-ictus blindness within 48 hours.
How to cite this article:
Desh Deepak, Vipul Thakur, Naresh Chandra and Dr. Vinod Kumar Varun. A rare case of post ictal blindness in a Labrador dog suffering from status epilepsy. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 635-638.