Innovations in safeguarding agriculture: An overview of emerging technologies for plant protection
Pawan Vinay and Gurshaminder Singh
Crop protection chemicals have been essential in helping farmers feed the world's expanding population, along with other advancements including better husbandry, fertilizer use, and seeds. A mix of the best available technologies will be required to sustain this record of success given the predicted doubling of the world's population in the next fifty years, together with the global need for enhanced food quality and variety. To produce agricultural outputs safely and sustainably, it will be essential to integrate crop protection effects provided by genes, chemicals, and biological control agents. This evaluation includes remarks on integration efforts and a few recent highlights of advancement across multiple sectors.
How to cite this article:
Pawan Vinay and Gurshaminder Singh. Innovations in safeguarding agriculture: An overview of emerging technologies for plant protection. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 132-135.