Study of women entrepreneurs in dairying enterprise of Mathura district on the basis of social participation
Deepanka, R Shehar, A Singh and S Singh
Since the women entrepreneurs are creating new job opportunities for themselves and their dependents, nowadays women in leading roles are getting acceptance in our society. Entrepreneurship is an important source of economic growth since women entrepreneur creates new jobs for themselves and others. They are playing an important role in problems dealing with the issues of management, organizations and business. Their scence of perception towards the world, and doing things differently, plays an effective tool for sustainable livelihood, empowerment and employment generation. In modern India More and more women are actively involving in entrepreneurial activities especially in micro, small and medium scale enterprises. The present study was conducted on 120 dairy farmers selected from 8 villages of Mathura district to assess the level of entrepreneurial behavior and their social participation among different organizations in dairy farming. The data were collected through pre-tested structured interview schedule by holding personal interview with the dairy farmers during 2016-17. The result revealed that 62.50 percent respondents had no social participation, 25.83 percent had participation in one organization and 11.67 percent had participation in more than one organization. Similar results were found in Lawrence and Ganguli (2012) and Patel (2013).
How to cite this article:
Deepanka, R Shehar, A Singh and S Singh. Study of women entrepreneurs in dairying enterprise of Mathura district on the basis of social participation. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 181-182.