Vol. 12, Special Issue 11 (2023)
Status of nutritional garden in tribal area of Palghar district
Prajakta Hankare, Dr. JR Kadam and Dr. DP Gosavi
This paper examines the Status of nutritional garden in tribal area of Palghar district. The study was conducted at Palghar district. A sample of 120 tribal families were considered as respondent for present study. The respondents were interviewed with the help of specially designed schedule. Collected data was classified, tabulated and analysed by using various statistical method.
How to cite this article:
Prajakta Hankare, Dr. JR Kadam and Dr. DP Gosavi. Status of nutritional garden in tribal area of Palghar district. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 1711-1713.