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Vol. 12, Special Issue 11 (2023)

Development of microcontroller based site specific water applicator for planter

Rahul Prasad Choudhary, Baban Yadav, Vikki Prasad Sahu and Shivesh Chandra Pandey
During sowing of seeds by using developed planter, it is seen that most of the farmers using flood irrigation which is consumes more water with less efficiency. As a result desired plant population per unit area is not obtained causing reduction in yield. To minimize the loss of water for seeds, a sensor system has been developed for planter. This study presents the devolvement of microcontroller-based site-specific water applicator system that integrates seed detection within seed tubes using IR sensors, combined with precise water application facilitated by relays and solenoid valves. The system aims to optimize agricultural irrigation by delivering water.
The system architecture includes IR sensors embedded within seed tubes, enabling the detection of seeds during the planting process. These sensors communicate with a microcontroller unit, which processes the seed detection data and coordinates water distribution. Utilizing an algorithm tailored for seed-specific irrigation, the system activates relays to control solenoid valves, directing water exclusively to seed locations within the field.
The laboratory evaluation of the developed microcontroller based sensor system with pre-existing planter reveals that the variations of actual no. of seeds dropped and display reading of the LCD screen was found to be 5.33% at 1.0 km/h, 8.0% at 1.5 km/h and 11% at 2.0 km/h operating speed. It was found that the seed detection variation increases with increase in speed. The average water discharge from the nozzle was found to be 31.37, 42.54 and 55.24 ml at 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 second activation time of solenoid valve respectively. It was observed that, water discharge increases when increases in activation time of solenoid valve. After activating sensor system average water saving was found to be 46.28% at 0.5 sec, 32.86% at 0.8sec, and 14.29% at 1.0 sec. It was observed that water saving % decreases when increases in activation time of solenoid valve in both the conditions.
Pages: 1698-1702  |  282 Views  110 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Rahul Prasad Choudhary, Baban Yadav, Vikki Prasad Sahu and Shivesh Chandra Pandey. Development of microcontroller based site specific water applicator for planter. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 1698-1702.

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