Effect of chitosan combined with Ovsynch protocol on fertility and fecundity rate in Salem black goats
G Sathriyan, K Senthilkumar, M Selvaraju and P Vikramachakravarthi
A total of 30 healthy, parous Salem Black does, 60 days post-partum were selected for the study after gynaecological examination. The does were divided into two groups: Group I (Control-Ovsynch) and Group II (Treatment-Chitosan-synch). In Group I, all does were treated with the Ovsynch protocol and in Group II, a modified Ovsynch protocol was followed, incorporating 1 ml of chitosan conjugated with GnRH (4µg) on day 0, 250 micrograms of PGF2α seven days later (day 7) and another 4 µg of chitosan-conjugated GnRH (Second GnRH) 48 hours after the PGF2α injection (day 9). All the does artificial insemination (AI) was carried out 16-18 hours after the second GnRH injection (Day 10). Higher conception rate (80 Per cent) achieved in Group II does than Group I does (53 Per cent). The fecundity rate was also higher in Group II (1.50) when compared with Group I (1.37). Hence concluded that Chitosan synch yielded better conception rate and fecundity rate than traditional Ovsynch protocol.
How to cite this article:
G Sathriyan, K Senthilkumar, M Selvaraju and P Vikramachakravarthi. Effect of chitosan combined with Ovsynch protocol on fertility and fecundity rate in Salem black goats. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 1472-1474.