Response of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) seedlings to seed soaking treatment and growing condition for germination, vigour and physiological attributes
Nidhi Singour, CS Pandey, Ram Kumar Rai, SK Pandey and Ajay Gangle
The present investigation was carried out at Fruit Research Station, Imalia, JNKVV, Jabalpur during the year 2018-19 with a view to know the influence of pre–sowing seed treatment and growing condition on the germination, vigour and physiological attributes of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) seedlings. The findings of the experiment showed that the growing condition of Poly house and Seed Treatment with GA3 500 ppm have been proved superior with respect to germination, growth performance and physiological parameters of seedling among the various seed treatments and growing condition. Among various treatment combinations, the Poly house and GA3 500 ppm (G3S3) was found best over the rest of the treatment combinations with respect to growth parameter like total length of seedling (40.26 cm), root length (15.13 cm), number of roots/seedling (45.12), fresh weight of shoots (4.66 g), dry weight of shoots (1.73 g), fresh weight of roots (1.88 g), dry weight of roots (0.65 g), Seedling vigour index I (3,107.52 cm), Seedling vigour index II (211.92), and physiological parameters like- Leaf Area Index (1.31), Leaf Area Duration (11,558.64 cm2. Day), Light Transmission ratio (30.67%) and Energy Interception (0.50 cal cm-2 Mn-1). The G3S4 (Poly house and KNO3) was found next best treatment combination.
How to cite this article:
Nidhi Singour, CS Pandey, Ram Kumar Rai, SK Pandey and Ajay Gangle. Response of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) seedlings to seed soaking treatment and growing condition for germination, vigour and physiological attributes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 734-739.