Abstract:India produces about 70% of the world's basmati rice, and the rest is provided by Pakistan, the Philippines and China. The present study was focused to investigate the “Study on growth, export performance and export competitiveness of Basmati rice in India”. The nature of data used for study is entirely based on secondary source of data form 1988-89 to 2017-18. The area of basmati rice in between Period-I and Period-II i.e. 35.79 and 36.98 respectively. The Highest variation has been observed in production for the overall period (1988-89 to 2017-18) with Coefficient of variation been 79.55.Coppock’s instability index highest variation is observed in production of basmati rice was 23.39 percent for Overall period followed by 13.92 and 17.02 for Period-I and Period-II. The Coppock’s instability index of area and productivity for Period-I was 13.34 percent and 10.96 percent, for Period-II was 16.02 percent and 11.12 percent and for overall period was 17.09 percent and 14.46 percent. The area of basmati rice is very less in between Period-I and Period-II i.e. 35.79 and 36.98 respectively. Variation in Period-II was 121.54. Coppock’s instability index highest variation is observed in Export Value of basmati rice was 43.16 percent for Overall period followed by 20.91 and 26.22 for Period-I and Period-II. The Coppock’s instability index of Export Quantity and unit Export value for Period-I was 15.21 percent and 14.60 percent, for Period-II was 18.14 percent and 14.95 percent and for Overall period was 25.66 percent and 17.40 percent.
The R2 value (0.2225) for domestic prices, however sign ‘b’ was positive (0.0293) and sign of quadratic term ‘c’ was positive. Also R2 value for international prices is (0.6298) and sign of ‘b’ was positive (0.4682). NPC value for Overall period is 0.67 which states that market is moderately competitive for export competitiveness of Basmati Rice. When the analysis was done using two different periods i.e. Period-I and Period-II average value of NPC ratio was 0.849 and 0.491, respectively which indicates Period-I was moderately competitive and Period – II was less competitive.