Vol. 12, Special Issue 11 (2023)
Screening different genotypes of sesame against leaf webber and capsule borer (Antigastra catalaunalis)
Mitesh Makwana, AK Panday, Sanju Singh and Rahul Patidar
Field experiment was conducted to screen fifty four germplasms lines of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) against leaf webber and capsule borer (Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel). The weekly observations on larval population of leaf webber and capsule borer was recorded at 14 DAS (Days after Sowing) and continue till maturity of the crop. Among the screened genotypes the lowest population of leaf webber and capsule borer was observed in genotypes SI-250 (0.26 larvae/plant) followed by IS-178-C (0.36 larvae/plant), SI-2192 (0.42 larvae/plant) and IS-446-1-64 (0.52 larvae/plant). The highest population (3.03 larvae/plant) of leaf webber and capsule borer was recorded in genotypes Prachi followed by TC-25 (2.66 larvae/plant) and EC-334993 (2.17 larvae/plant). On the basis of overall performance the genotypes SI-250 (0.26 larvae/plant), IS-178-C (0.36 larvae/plant) and SI-2192(0.42 larvae/plant) were found promising against leaf webber and capsule borer.
How to cite this article:
Mitesh Makwana, AK Panday, Sanju Singh and Rahul Patidar. Screening different genotypes of sesame against leaf webber and capsule borer (Antigastra catalaunalis). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 340-343.