Studies on haemato-biochemical changes in ovine theileriosis
Late SS, Ambore BN, Swami SB, Pawar PD, Dhaygude VP and Jadhav SN
A total of 100 sheep blood samples were screened for detection of ovine theileriosis by using blood smear examination and PCR. Out of that, 63 cases were positive for ovine theileriosis. Blood samples were subjected to record the haemato-biochemical changes in Theileria infection. Mean values of Hb, PCV, TEC and TLC showed significant (p<0.01) decrease in Theileria infected sheep. Also, mean values of Free haemoglobin were significantly (p<0.05) increased in Theileria affected sheep as compared to the control group. Biochemically the mean values of total protein (p<0.01), albumin, SGOT, SGPT and Iron get significantly decreased (p<0.05) while a non-significant decrease in TIBC value was found in Theileria affected sheep compared to the control group.
How to cite this article:
Late SS, Ambore BN, Swami SB, Pawar PD, Dhaygude VP and Jadhav SN. Studies on haemato-biochemical changes in ovine theileriosis. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 328-330.