Effect of canopy regulation and new generation bio-regulators on berry colouration and bio-active compounds in crimson seedless grape
Basavaraj Padeshetti, Kulapati KH, Basavarajappa MP, Anand G Patil, Gollagi SG, Srinivas N, Veeresh Hiremath, Sateesh Pattepur and Deepak S
A filed experiment on Studies on the influence of cane regulation and bio-regulators on growth, yield and quality parameters of grape cv. Crimson Seedless was conducted at Fruit Orchard, Division of Fruit Science, MHREC, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkote, during 2021-22 and 2022-23. The combination of cane regulation at 25-33 canes per vine with 300-400 ppm of ethrel treatment at veraison and 30 days after veraison recorded the highest colour (a*) value (7.08 and 6.91), maximum anthocyanins in skin and berry (67.77 and 65.71 mg/100 g and 26.97 and 23.79 mg/100 g), highest total phenolic content (59.60 and 57.73 mg GAE/100 g) and flavonoid (65.58 and 63.48 mg GAE/100 g) content.
How to cite this article:
Basavaraj Padeshetti, Kulapati KH, Basavarajappa MP, Anand G Patil, Gollagi SG, Srinivas N, Veeresh Hiremath, Sateesh Pattepur and Deepak S. Effect of canopy regulation and new generation bio-regulators on berry colouration and bio-active compounds in crimson seedless grape. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 321-327.