Student friendly approach of molecular data analysis for the evaluation of genetic diversity
Manish Chandra Mehta, M Raghuraman and Kirti Srivastava
DNA fingerprinting is an acclaimed molecular technique for establishing a biological relatedness between genotypes by meticulous examination and comparison of their DNA pattern. This technique is engrossed into the polymorphic regions of the DNA, usually the minisatellites and microsatellites. It finds numerous applications in the field of medicine, agriculture, forensics and in parent confirmatory tests. The present study describes user friendly approach to examine the DNA fingerprinting image obtained through gel electrophoresis. A triumvirate approach including Adobe® photoshop® (version 23.2.2), GelAnalyzer 19.1 and NTSYS-pc 2.02e were undertaken to identify the genetic relatedness among the populations of rice yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas. Specimens of rice yellow stem borer were taken from 27 locations in India and a genetic diversity study was carried out across these populations.
How to cite this article:
Manish Chandra Mehta, M Raghuraman and Kirti Srivastava. Student friendly approach of molecular data analysis for the evaluation of genetic diversity. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 1622-1629.