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Vol. 12, Special Issue 10 (2023)

Psychological perception of elderly women towards old age

Preeti and Dr. Beena Yadav
This research was conducting to analyzing the psychological perception of elderly women towards old age who were receiving old age samman allowance (OASA) which is also known as old age pension. Study was piloted in four randomly selected villages from Hisar and Rohtak admintrative divisions of Haryana state covering 200 elderly women beneficiaries of age 62 years or above of old age samman allowance (OASA) scheme. The mean family size was 6.40 in Bhiwani district and 5.48 in Hisar district with the average size of total sample being 5.94. Regarding type of family, majority of elderly women were residing in joint families (81.5%) and rest in nuclear families (18.5%). Overall positive mean perception score was 3.49 (out of 5) irrespective of the districts while negative mean perception score was 3.58 (out of 5).
Pages: 1720-1722  |  199 Views  95 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Preeti and Dr. Beena Yadav. Psychological perception of elderly women towards old age. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 1720-1722.

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