Comparative evaluation of productive and reproductive performance of sangamneri goat breed before and after technology intervention given by AICRP on Goat
Shingade SV, Kandalkar YB, Tanpure MU and Borkar VD
The present investigation entitled ‘Comparative evaluation of productive and reproductive performance of Sangamneri goat before and after technology intervention given by AICRP on goat’, was undertaken by data collection in villages at Rahuri cluster under All India Co-ordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Goat Improvement (Sangamneri Field Unit), Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. There were total 12 villages were selected from Rahuri cluster according to the goat population. Various technological interventions were provided by AICRP to the farmers to develop the reproductive and productive performance of Sangamneri goat breed. After the technology intervention there is increase in body weight of the breed. After the technology adoption by AICRP on goat the kid attains earlier maturity, reduced the first conception age after technology adoption, the first kidding age also decreased to 422 days from 459 days. Also after the technology adoption by Sangamneri goat owners provided by AICRP there was increase in average daily milk in goats.
How to cite this article:
Shingade SV, Kandalkar YB, Tanpure MU and Borkar VD. Comparative evaluation of productive and reproductive performance of sangamneri goat breed before and after technology intervention given by AICRP on Goat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 1715-1716.