Abstract:This study entitled “Export of meat from India – An Economic Analysis” For this study time series data of country wise exports for the period 1987 to 2013 were collected from annual publications of APEDA and website, FAO year books. The collected data were evaluated for two different periods
viz. pre-WTO period: 1987-88 to 1994-95, post-WTO period 1995-96 to 2013-14 and overall period 1987-88 to 2013-14, in order to observe the effect of the WTO on export of meat. The compound growth rates were worked out for quantity and value of export of meat. Values at current and constant prices were compiled to estimate the trends in meat production and export. For the estimation of variability and instability in meat exports, coefficient of variation for each period was calculated and compared with each other.
The period wise compound growth rates for buffalo meat revealed that during pre-WTO period export increased at the rate of 22.45 percent per annum. Export of buffalo meat during post-WTO and overall period registered growth of 12.24 and 12.54 percent per annum.
A similar trend was observed in case of sheep and goat meat and processed meat. Export of animal casings revealed a negative (-3.76 percent) during pre-WTO period whereas for post-WTO and overall period growth in export of animal casings was positive.
The compound growth rates for value of export of meat revealed similar trend as in case of quantity of meat export.
The foregoing analysis revealed that by and large export of meat increased during WTO era.