Successful surgical management of cystorrhexis in a buck
Sruthimol ER, Amal Prakash, Sudheesh S Nair and Soumya Ramankutty
A six-month-old male Attapadi black goat was presented to TVCC Mannuthy with clinical signs like pear-shaped abdomen, anorexia, and anuria for the past 3 days. Abdominal palpation revealed fluid thrill. From the history and clinical signs, the case was tentatively diagnosed as cystorrhexis and it was confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. Under general anaesthesia, the condition was surgically corrected by a tube cystotomy and the animal had an uneventful recovery.
How to cite this article:
Sruthimol ER, Amal Prakash, Sudheesh S Nair and Soumya Ramankutty. Successful surgical management of cystorrhexis in a buck. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 1435-1437.