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Vol. 12, Special Issue 10 (2023)

Impact of nutrient management practices and soybean based cropping systems on soil fertility status

Priya Kochale, PB Sharma, Shani Gulaiya, Kamal Kishor Patel, Ashish Kumar and Abhishek Sharma
The field experiment was conducted during three seasons (Kharif, Rabi and Summer) in the two consecutive years 2021-22 to 2022-23 at Instructional Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with 24 treatment combinations of six different nutrient management practices and 4 cropping systems. The allocation of various treatments to different plots was done randomly with three replications. Under main plot, NM1 (100% organic), NM2 (50% Organic NM + NF inputs Beejamrit + Ghanjeevamrit + Jeevamrit), NM3 (50% Organic NM + 50% Inorganic NM), NM4 (25% Organic NM + NF inputs Beejamrit + Ghanjeevamrit + Jeevamrit + 25% Inorganic NM), NM5 (Farmer practices), NM6 (100% Inorganic NM). CS1 (Soybean-wheat), CS2 (Soybean-berseem), CS3 (Soybean-mustard-green gram), CS4 (Soybean-lentil-sorghum) allotted under sub-plot. The result revealed that the Available nitrogen was maximum (272.25 kg ha-1) under 100% nutrient management with soybean-mustard-wheat cropping system followed by INM (50% org + 50% inorg) i.e. (268.50 kg ha-1), and 50% org + NF inputs (264.66 kg ha-1). The phosphorus and potassium was maximum i.e. 13.48 kg ha-1 and 292.08 kg ha-1 under 100% organic nutrient management with soybean-berseem cropping system.
Pages: 1218-1221  |  323 Views  178 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Priya Kochale, PB Sharma, Shani Gulaiya, Kamal Kishor Patel, Ashish Kumar and Abhishek Sharma. Impact of nutrient management practices and soybean based cropping systems on soil fertility status. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 1218-1221.

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