Assessment of physico-chemical properties of soil in Gwalior region
Amar Mandal, Nivedita Singh, Akansha Shrivastava and Sandeep Kumar Gautam
Soil is most important component of our planet. Soil puts food on our plates, purifies our water, protects us against flooding and combats drought. So soil health is a priority for good crop production. For this purpose surface soil sample were collected from 120 locations. Analysis of various soil parameter (Bulk density, porosity, textural class, Ph, EC, OC) have been done using standard method were adopted. The bulk density of Gwalior district varied from 1.21- 1.42 (mg m-3) with the mean value of 1.32 (mg m-3). The porosity of soil ranged from 43.33-57.39% with a mean value of 49.34%. The sand content in 120 soil samples ranged from 43.10 to 58.55 percent, with a mean value of 51.76 percent. The silt percent ranges from 7.1-22.08% with a mean of 15.17%. The clay particle range was 26.85 to 40.30 percent with a mean of 33.24%. Among these three soil particles silt content showed highest variability followed by sand and minimum in case of clay content. The soils of the study area are clay in texture. The pH of Gwalior district varied from 6.40- 8.40 with the mean value of 7.63. The Electrical conductivity of soil water suspension ranged from 0.15-0.72 dSm-1 with a mean value of 0.45 dS m-1 emphasizing the fact that these soils are in safe limit of EC. The variation in organic carbon content in this soil was from 0.21-0.77% with a mean value of 0.43%. In general, the organic carbon status of Gwalior district soils was low to medium.
How to cite this article:
Amar Mandal, Nivedita Singh, Akansha Shrivastava and Sandeep Kumar Gautam. Assessment of physico-chemical properties of soil in Gwalior region. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 941-945.