Studies on foraging behaviour of Non-Apis insect pollinators visiting on mustard and coriander crops
Purjeet, Anuj Kumar Patel, Kishor Kumar, Kamesh Dhanger and YK Yadu
The present experiment on foraging behaviour of Non-Apis insect pollinators visiting on mustard and coriander crops was conducted at Instructional cum Research Farm, CARS, Bemetara (C.G.) during the academic year of 2022-2023. Among the non Apis insect pollinators Erisyrphus sp. (13.35%), Eristalis tenax L. (11.84%), Eristalinus sp. (10.93%), and Ceratina sp. (9.71%) were recorded the most frequent visitors while, Spathulina acroleuca (0.61%) was noted as having a comparatively lower abundance. Among total abundance of the non Apis insect pollinators, order Diptera (44.01%) constituted major faction of pollinator group followed by Hymenoptera (32.47%). In coriander flowers Eristalis tenax L. (20.50%), Erisyrphus sp. (19.82%), Rhynchium sp. (10.59%), and Xylocopa fenestrate Fab. (9.01%) were the most frequent visitors, while Euploea core (1.35%) visits the coriander flowers less frequently. Among non Apis insect pollinators order Diptera was the most dominant and most frequent visitors constituted 46.85 per cent of total abundance followed by order Hymenoptera (25.91%).
How to cite this article:
Purjeet, Anuj Kumar Patel, Kishor Kumar, Kamesh Dhanger and YK Yadu. Studies on foraging behaviour of Non-Apis insect pollinators visiting on mustard and coriander crops. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 848-853.