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Vol. 12, Special Issue 10 (2023)

Deciphering the spatial variability of soil texture and bulk density in pollution hotspots across the Kashmir Valley

Raqib Majeed Wani, Ab. Shakoor Khanday, Sheikh Amjid, Muneer Ahmad Bhat, Durakshan Sultan, Stanzin Khenrab, Mir Shareen Mehraj, Rihana Rahman and Peerzada Tabish Fayaz
The present study investigates the physical soil characteristics within pollution hotspots across the picturesque Kashmir Valley. Soil texture and bulk density influencing nutrient availability and heavy metal behaviour, were examined at five distinct locations. The analysis revealed that soil texture ranged from silty clay loam to clay loam, with varying sand, silt, and clay percentages at each site. Notably, location 3 (Khrew) exhibited sandy clay loam texture, while the remaining areas displayed clay loam characteristics. Bulk density, a crucial factor affecting soil properties, exhibited substantial variation among the locations. The values ranged from 1.23 to 1.42 g cm-3 at location 1 (Lassipora), from 1.24 g cm-3to 1.79 g cm-3 at location 2 (Pampore), from 1.27 g cm-3 to 1.43 g cm-at location 3 (Khrew), from 1.26 g cm-3 to 1.49 g cm-3 at location 4 (Srinagar), and from 1.27 g cm-3 to 1.37 g cm-3 at location 5 (Budgam). These variations could be attributed to differences in soil organic matter content, with areas exhibiting higher organic matter content generally displaying lower bulk density values. The finding of present study provides valuable insights into the soil physical properties of pollution-affected regions in the Kashmir Valley, shedding light on their potential impact on nutrient availability and heavy metal behaviour. Additionally, the present research findings contribute to the understanding of soil dynamics in polluted environments and offers essential information for sustainable land management practices.
Pages: 333-336  |  487 Views  206 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Raqib Majeed Wani, Ab. Shakoor Khanday, Sheikh Amjid, Muneer Ahmad Bhat, Durakshan Sultan, Stanzin Khenrab, Mir Shareen Mehraj, Rihana Rahman and Peerzada Tabish Fayaz. Deciphering the spatial variability of soil texture and bulk density in pollution hotspots across the Kashmir Valley. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 333-336.

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