Vol. 12, Special Issue 10 (2023)
Surgical management of ruptured tendo achillis in a Labrador retriever dog: A case report
Sunil CL, Vidhyashree GA, Harshitha G and Chandana L
A two years old male Labrador retriever dog was presented to college clinic with a history of pet met with automobile accident and non-weight bearing lameness of right hind limb from two days. clinical examination revealed rupture of tendo achillis in the right hind limb. Tendon repair was achieved by bunnell mayer technique, followed by external cooptation by Robert Johns bandage. With good post-operative care, pet recovered uneventfully.
How to cite this article:
Sunil CL, Vidhyashree GA, Harshitha G and Chandana L. Surgical management of ruptured tendo achillis in a Labrador retriever dog: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(10S): 01-02.