Abstract:Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute, highly contagious, OIE notifiable, fatal disease of sheep and goats caused by Morbilli virus having many common names, such as ovine rinderpest, goat plague, plague of small ruminants or Kata. The disease is endemic in many parts of the world including Africa, Asia and Middle East. The means of spread of virus is through close contact between infected and susceptible population, primary route of transmission being the respiratory route. The Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) display a strong tropism for lymphoid tissues where it replicates after which the virus is disseminated to distant organs and causes profound immunosuppression. Clinical signs mainly seen are fever, mucopurulent nasal and ocular discharges, cough, dyspnoea, erosions in the oral mucosa, bronchopneumonia and diarrhea. The disease has been the cause of economic loss in developing countries where rearing of small ruminants act as source of income. Currently, the OIE recommended competitive PPRV specific anti-H monoclonal based ELISA is used and isolation of virus in cell cultures, molecular techniques PCR and RT-PCR can be used for diagnosis. Treatment is mainly based on supportive therapy, herbal medicines and sometimes antiviral therapy is used. Control measures include effective cleaning and disinfection of contaminated areas, deep burial/burning of dead animals/carcasses, close monitoring of animals and vaccination as well as mass vaccination with several PPRV vaccines alongside the Nigeria 75/1 vaccine, with live attenuated Sungri/ 96, Arasur/ 87 and Coimbatore/ 97 vaccines are being used in developing countries.
This review summarizes etiology, transmission, host susceptibility, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention and control measures.