Impact of e-NAM on arrival & prices of major commodities and change in income & expenditure of selected APMC: A case study of Kawardha APMC in Chhattisgarh, India
Soham Bachaspati, Dr. Hulas Pathak and Ayoushmoti Chakraborty
Honourable Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi launched the electronic trading portal for National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) on 14th April 2016. The objectives of e-NAM have multi dimensions like to establish a national e-market platform for transparent sale transactions and price discovery initially in regulated markets, to provide liberal licensing of traders/buyers and commission agents by state authorities without any pre-condition of physical presence or possession of shop/premises in the market yard, to create one license for a trader valid across all markets in the state, harmonization of quality standards of agricultural produce and provision for assaying infrastructure in every market to enable informed bidding by buyers etc. Looking to the new intervention in marketing through e-NAM and its impact on price discovery, trade and marketing of agricultural produces in these selected APMCs, so far no study has been conducted in Chhattisgarh about the impact of e-NAM on the farmers hence the present study was taken. Chhattisgarh state was selected purposively for present study. Kawardha APMC in Kabirdham district was selected purposively as it was among the 5 APMCs which was integrated with e-NAM system in the first phase. 50 farmers and 25 traders from Kawardha APMC were selected randomly and primary data were collected from them. It was seen from the present study that there were 45 commodities notified under regulation and the APMC had 5 storage facilities each of 1000 metric ton capacity. Public address system and electronic display boards were available in Kawardha APMC. It can be noted that the arrival of paddy was the highest in Kawardha APMC. It was observed that a reduction of 7.50 per cent and 6.13 per cent in quantity arrival had occurred over last year in soybean and Paddy respectively (Fig. 4.5). Although increase in quantity arrival was observed in gram (28.36 per cent) and red gram (9.23 per cent) over last year. The total quantity arrival of 4 major commodities based on quantum of arrival had overall decreased by 4.95 per cent after enforcement of e-NAM. It can be seen that a huge decrease in price of gram (31.22 per cent) had noticed post enforcement of e-NAM. Increase in price of Paddy (26.64 per cent) and red gram (1.29 per cent) was noticed post-unification which helped the producers to fetch better income. After the enforcement of e-NAM Bhatapara APMC had witnessed an increase in total income of 15,01,361 Rs i.e. an increase of 2.70 per cent over the previous year which shows the positive effect of implementation of e-NAM. After the enforcement of e-NAM Kawardha APMC had witnessed a decrease in expenditure of 47,09,753 Rs i.e. 7.79 per cent of decrease over the previous year.
How to cite this article:
Soham Bachaspati, Dr. Hulas Pathak and Ayoushmoti Chakraborty. Impact of e-NAM on arrival & prices of major commodities and change in income & expenditure of selected APMC: A case study of Kawardha APMC in Chhattisgarh, India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(9S): 547-552.