Salivary total protein concentration during estrus cycle and approaches for estrus detection in buffalo heifers
Manasa Varra, Girish Kumar V, Ramesh HS, Suchitra BR, Sudha G and Pooja CH
One of the major limitations in buffalo reproduction is timely detection of estrus as these animals are shy breeders. Buffalo heifers are known to exhibit poor behavioural symptoms during estrus. Copious cervico-vaginal mucus discharge around estrus is not prominent in buffalo heifers like in the pluriparous animals. In this study, we have used the recently evolved estrus detection methods i.e., examination of salivary fern pattern and recording vulval temperature along with the physical and gynaecological examination to understand their implications in detecting buffalo heifers around estrus. Also, any differences in salivary total protein concentration during various phases of estrus cycle was evaluated. The results revealed no significant differences in the concentration of total protein in saliva during various phases of estrus cycle. However, observing for salivary crystallization pattern along with the gynaecological examination from the proestrus to ovulatory phase will help in identifying individual animals in estrus. Increase in the vulval temperature around estrus as recorded by the Infrared Digital thermometer can be an alternative to IRT and serve as a clue for monitoring animals expected to be in estrus.
How to cite this article:
Manasa Varra, Girish Kumar V, Ramesh HS, Suchitra BR, Sudha G and Pooja CH. Salivary total protein concentration during estrus cycle and approaches for estrus detection in buffalo heifers. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 1020-1026.