Innovations for reviving sericulture in Jammu and Kashmir
Jyoti Thakur, RK Gupta and Kamlesh Bali
Innovations refers to the practice of developing or introducing new technologies in different areas. Innovation, being cost effective and easy to maintain comes up with new ideas to revive sericulture industry through technological solution to the sericulture problems. The development of seasonal and regional genotypes of mulberry in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir proves to be a great insight for the successful introduction of sericulture in different agroclimatic conditions. The sericulture output can be increased through introduction of region/season specific breeds of silkworm, integrated farming system, establishment of public private partnership, cocoon banks etc. Fortification of mulberry leaves with food additives, development of herbal bed disinfectants proves to be cost effective and recent approaches in sericulture. Seribusiness and Reshamandi are one of the emerging start- ups in sericulture which aims to engage and motivate huge masses of unemployed youth in entrepreneurial activities in sericulture. The present review have emphasised on the importance of innovations associated with mulberry and silkworm for the revival of sericulture in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
How to cite this article:
Jyoti Thakur, RK Gupta and Kamlesh Bali. Innovations for reviving sericulture in Jammu and Kashmir. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 1126-1131.