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Vol. 11, Special Issue 7 (2022)

Histopathological findings in liver in reference to calf diarrhoea (Bubalus Bubalis)

Rachna Poonia, Sumnil Marwaha, M Mathur, H Dhadhich, I Vyas, S Rani and M Mehra
The present investigation was carried out from September 2020 to August 2021. During this period a total number of 232 buffalo calves were collected irrespective of breed, sex and age examined for histopathology. The affected liver tissue samples were further processed for histopathological examination and revealed liver abnormalities in 86 samples. The various conditions of liver such as necrosis 3.44%, congestion 13.79%, inflammation 6.89%, hemorrhages 9.91%, necrotic foci 2.15% and cloudy swelling 0.86%.
Pages: 855-857  |  407 Views  171 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Rachna Poonia, Sumnil Marwaha, M Mathur, H Dhadhich, I Vyas, S Rani and M Mehra. Histopathological findings in liver in reference to calf diarrhoea (Bubalus Bubalis). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 855-857.

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