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Vol. 11, Special Issue 7 (2022)

Pathological findings of degenerative changes of heart of sheep (Ovis aries)

Pravin Bano, H Dadhich, M Mathur, M Mehra and S Asopa
The present study was done to elucidate the pathological findings of degenerative changes of heart of sheep. A total 587 samples of cardiovascular system, irrespective of age, breed and sex were examined. Out of these, 147 specimens of heart, suspected for pathological abnormalities, were processed for histopathological examination. Degenerative changes were recorded in 23 cases. The occurrence of this condition was recorded as 15.65 per cent. Major degenerative changes of heart of sheep included myocardial necrosis, myocardial fibrosis, vacuolar degeneration, separation and degeneration of muscle bundles and fibers. Macroscopically heart was enlarged with pale necrotic areas. Discoloration of heart, pale streaking in the ventricular walls and the septum were also seen. On microscopic examination degeneration of myocytes and myofibrillar separation with necrotic areas and disappeared nuclei in myocardial cells were recorded, Loss of striations and coagulative necrosis were observed with mild infiltration of cells. Fibrosis was observed in myocardial cells with separation of muscle bundles. Abundance of fibers was present along with some areas of necrosis, mild infiltration of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells were present. Vacuoles were found between myocardial cells with mild infiltration. Vacuoles were of different size, shape and multiple in number. Myocardium showed degeneration, rupture and separation of muscle bundles. At the end of separated and ruptured fibers infiltration of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells were seen.
Pages: 845-848  |  376 Views  130 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Pravin Bano, H Dadhich, M Mathur, M Mehra and S Asopa. Pathological findings of degenerative changes of heart of sheep (Ovis aries). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 845-848.

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