Gender differential and its associated health status in urban Hisar
Diksha Rani, Dr. Sushma Kaushik and Shikha Bhukal
Gender inequality holds back the growth of individuals, the development of nation and the evolution of societies to the disadvantage of both men & women. Girl child is the future of every nation and India is no exception. In the Vedic Age women enjoyed great respect and freedom in the society. In fact far superior position to the men of that time, “Shakti” a feminine term means “power” and “strength”. India is a country where social disadvantage outweighs natural biological advantage of being a girl. Patriarchal societies continue to fix rigid gender roles and prescribe behavioural norms that are often discriminatory against women. Evidence shows that girls are breastfed for shorter periods, given less medical attention, given less food and health care than boys, both in quality and quantity and therefore are undernourished compared to male children especially in Northern India. This in turn leads to health issues like anaemia and intrauterine growth restriction during pregnancy. Girls in India face higher risks of malnutrition, disease, disability, and retardation of growth and development. The present study was planned in urban area represent three different economic strata of Hisar, Haryana. From each strata data collected from 60 respondents. This paper revealed that sex ratio for female/male in was 1044 in high economic strata (ES), 969 in medium ES and 816 in low ES. 23.3 per cent females from medium ES and 40.0 per cent from low ES were anaemic. On an overall basis, this study showed difference in their perceived health status of male and female in various economic strata.
How to cite this article:
Diksha Rani, Dr. Sushma Kaushik and Shikha Bhukal. Gender differential and its associated health status in urban Hisar. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 725-730.