Gross anatomical studies on the rectum of goat (Capra hircus)
Raj Kumar Siyag, Ashok Dangi, Pankaj Kumar Thanvi, Pura Ram, Vijay Kumar Yogi and Mahendra Kumar Saini
The present investigation was carried out on 10 rectums from recently slaughter adult goat. The rectum of the goat was tubular shape and situated in pelvic cavity. It was dorsally and laterally related to the pelvic wall. Ventrally it was related with urinary bladder, vasa differentia, seminal vesicles, prostate, pelvic part of urethra and cowper’s gland in male and uterus and vagina in female. It had two surfaces: inner and outer surface. The outer surface of rectum was darker than inner surface and inner surface showed longitudinal mucosal folds. Externally rectum may be divided into two parts, peritoneal and retroperitoneal. Peritoneal part of rectum attached to pelvic cavity by mesorectum and retroperitoneal part of rectum attached by connective tissue and muscular bands. The average length was 12.75±0.42 cm, diameter 2.42± 0.08 cm at cranial, 2.97± 0.07 cm at middle and 2.49± 0.09 cm at caudal part and volume was 105.20 ± 3.32 ml.
How to cite this article:
Raj Kumar Siyag, Ashok Dangi, Pankaj Kumar Thanvi, Pura Ram, Vijay Kumar Yogi and Mahendra Kumar Saini. Gross anatomical studies on the rectum of goat (Capra hircus). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 283-286.