Study on haematological parameters of mite infested cattle treated with polyherbal acaricidal formulations
Kuldeep Kumar, AP Singh and Jayesh Vyas
In this study, two polyherbal formulations namely polyherbal formulation-A (PHF-A) and polyherbal formulation-B (PHF-B) which are prepared by Centre for Ethno-veterinary Practice and Alternative Medicine (CEVPAM), RAJUVAS, Bikaner, were used to evaluate effect of these formulations on haematological parameters of mite infested cattle. Haematological estimation in mite infested cattle revealed significant decrease in Hb, PCV, TEC and neutrophils and significant increase in TLC, lymphocyte and eosinophil as compared to healthy control cattle. However, monocytes count, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration estimation revealed non-significant variation in mite infested cattle as compared to healthy control cattle. Post-treatment haematological parameters revealed that as similar to benzyl benzoate, PHF-A and PHF-B are also very effective to normalize the haematological parameters in mite infested cattle and these polyherbal can be used as best alternative of synthetic acaricides against mite infestation in cattle.
How to cite this article:
Kuldeep Kumar, AP Singh and Jayesh Vyas. Study on haematological parameters of mite infested cattle treated with polyherbal acaricidal formulations. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 2797-2800.