Constraints faced by the mango growers in adoption of selected mango production technologies
Holkar SC, Sawant PA, Ekhande YS and Raykar SS
The present study was conducted in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts of Konkan region of Maharashtra state with the major objective to study the constraints faced by the mango growers in adoption of selected mango production technologies developed by DBSKKV. The sample was comprised of randomly selected 240 mango growers from 48 villages in six tahsils from two districts, which was personally interviewed with the help of specially designed interview schedule. The statistical tools like frequency and percentage were used for analysis. The constraints analysis revealed that majority of the mango growers had faced the constraints like, dependency on nature, non-availability of skilled labour during peak period, difficulty in getting inputs in time, no choice for selection of input, high fluctuations in the market price, market price depend on broker and difficulty in get branded insecticides and pesticides.
How to cite this article:
Holkar SC, Sawant PA, Ekhande YS and Raykar SS. Constraints faced by the mango growers in adoption of selected mango production technologies. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 2786-2788.