A study on the socio-economic status and constraints faced by the mango growers in adoption of improved post-harvest management practices in Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir
Pratima Rana, Poonam Parihar, Priyanka Shah and Neeraj Singh Parihar
Horticultural crops form a significant part of total agricultural produce in the country comprising of fruits, vegetables, root, tuber, flowers etc. and become key drivers of economic development in the country. They contribute 30 per cent to Agriculture GDP. Mango is a stone fruit and is produced in tropical and sub-tropical climates in more than 85 countries in the world. The total production area in the world is around 3.69 Mha and the production is around 35 million tonnes. Jammu division has vast potential for horticultural crops and is suitable for cultivation of sub-tropical fruits like mango. In order to find out the constraints faced by the mango growers, a study was conducted. Based on proportionate random sampling technique a sample of eighty mango growers were taken for the study. The findings revealed that majority of the farmers fell under middle age group, one-third of respondents were educated up to high school and around half of the respondents were observed to be small farmers. The farmers' primary source of information was the local Horticulture department (85.00%). A cent percentage of respondents expressed the constraints of lack of processing unit followed by marketing problems (88.75%) and lack of technical knowledge (86.25%).
How to cite this article:
Pratima Rana, Poonam Parihar, Priyanka Shah and Neeraj Singh Parihar. A study on the socio-economic status and constraints faced by the mango growers in adoption of improved post-harvest management practices in Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 2487-2493.