Comparative efficacy of selected insecticides with botanicals against jassid [Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida)] on okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
Aashannagari Yogeshwar Reddy and Ashwani Kumar
The current study was carried out at Central Research Field, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Naini, Prayagraj, U.P. during the kharif season of 2021-2022. Two applications of seven insecticides were used against Amrasca biguttula biguttula and the results revealed that treatments T1-Spinosad 45 SC is most effective treatment with per cent reduction of jassid population of okra with (80.64%) followed by T4- Cypermethrin 25 EC with (74.49%), T7- Imidacloprid 17.8% SL(69.23%), T5- Garlic bulb extract (65.77%), T2- Neem oil 5%(61.95%), T6- Pongamia oil 5% (59.31%), T3- NSKE 5%(56.29%) as compared to T0-control (water spray). The best and most economical treatment was Spinosad 45SC (1:5.78) followed by Cypermethrin (1:5.08), Imidacloprid (1:4.68) Garlic bulb extract 3% (1:4.44), Neem oil 5% (1:4.24), Pongamia oil 5% (1:3.74) and NSKE 5% (1:3.40) as compared to control (1:2.44).
How to cite this article:
Aashannagari Yogeshwar Reddy and Ashwani Kumar. Comparative efficacy of selected insecticides with botanicals against jassid [Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida)] on okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 2478-2482.