Factors influencing in availing and adoption of drought mitigation interventions of government schemes and policies
Author(s): Dr. K Mahandrakumar
Abstract: Farmers in Irrigated ecosystem indulged in intensive crop cultivation suffer more due to uncertainty of the drought event than their counterpart in dry land eco system. They were supported by drought relief programmes of government. The extend of benefit derived through such support strategies through different programmes was studied. The result revealed that more number of farmers availed monitory benefits from government programmes but only less number of farmer have adopted mitigation technologies on their own. Conducting demonstration, training and supply of critical mitigation inputs through development department must be continued to educate the farmers to adopt the mitigation measures.
Dr. K Mahandrakumar. Factors influencing in availing and adoption of drought mitigation interventions of government schemes and policies. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 2002-2004. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i6Sy.13362