Anthracnose of chilli: A review
Jatin Chaudhari, Sachitanand Das and Dipika Mal
Capsicum annum L. is a fourth grown crop in the world. Anthracnose is the most common disease in chilli. Colletotrichum spp. that causes anthracnose disease in chilli crops. Due to anthracnose up to 50% yield loss was reported in different countries and especially in Thailand 10 to 80% yield loss was reported. Colletotrichum spp. it causes severe infection in chilli and mostly it infection occur on fruit, stem and leaf. It may cause die back and ripe fruit rot. Anthracnose causes dark sunken lesion with concentric ring spot and dieback of stem started on tip of the plant and move downward and spotting occurs in ripe fruit. Sickle shaped and hyaline conidia produced by acervuli. The pathogen can survive on seed in form of microsclerotia and acervuli and 27 °C temperature with relative humidity are required for the growth of the pathogen. crop spacing, crop rotation, disease-free transplanting, mulching, use of resistant varieties and use of botanical (Garlic Bulb Extract, Tulsi leaves extract, crude plant extracts), Bioagent (Trichoderma viride, Pseudomonas fluorocence), chemical (Amistar, Headline, M - 45, Blue copper, Score) are also effective ways to control the anthracnose of chilli.
How to cite this article:
Jatin Chaudhari, Sachitanand Das and Dipika Mal. Anthracnose of chilli: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1811-1815.