Early growth performance of M3 mutants of menthol mint cv. CIM Kranti during Rabi season
Krishnakanth H Kolimi, TN Pushpa, D Srikantaprasad, TN Lakshmidevamma, JS Hiremath and V Kantharaju
The present investigation was conducted during the Rabi season (2020), at Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, Belagavi district. Among all the mutants CK20P22 recorded taller plant height at 45 and 60 days after planting (21.00 and 39.40 cm respectively). The maximum plant spread of about 21.27 cm and 32.63 cm was registered in CK40P17 and CK20P22 at 45 and 60 DAP respectively. The more number of branches was recorded in CK20P2 at 45 DAP (8.53) and 60 DAP and more number of branches were noticed in CK20P22 (25.20).
How to cite this article:
Krishnakanth H Kolimi, TN Pushpa, D Srikantaprasad, TN Lakshmidevamma, JS Hiremath and V Kantharaju. Early growth performance of M3 mutants of menthol mint cv. CIM Kranti during Rabi season. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1642-1644.