Constraints in the production and marketing of rose and marigold
Pavan Kumar Singh, KK Singh, Bhartendu Yadav, Ajeet Kumar and Aditya Bhooshan Srivastava
India has a long tradition of floriculture. Flowers have been depicted in ancient paintings. However, the social and economic aspects of flowers growing were recognized only later. It is only in the last three decades with changing lifestyles and under increased urban affluence. The decrease the area, production and shrinkage in of flowers in Varanasi district in the last some years. Therefore, an attempt has been made in the present study to identify major constraints in the production and marketing of some cut & loose flowers i.e. Rose and Marigold with the help of Garrett ranking. To derive the inferences of the study, 2 blocks were selected for present study. The study covered 10 villages & it covered 120 farmer in the selected villages. Data collected for study pertaining to the period 2021-22. Primary data was collected from selected Rose and Marigold growers through personal interview method with the help of pretested schedule. The main production constraints noticed were Non-availability of Credit, Assistance by Government, Non-availability of HYV seed, lack of knowledge about latest production technology and Unfavourable weather conditions. The main marketing constraints were lack of scientific storage facilities, Price fluctuations, Lack of availability about market news, Lack of scientific knowledge and training, High cost of transportation in the marketing.
How to cite this article:
Pavan Kumar Singh, KK Singh, Bhartendu Yadav, Ajeet Kumar and Aditya Bhooshan Srivastava. Constraints in the production and marketing of rose and marigold. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1463-1466.