Effect of selected insecticides and essential oils on the population of chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) and chilli yield
Kethineni Radhika and Ashwani Kumar
The current study was carried out at Central Research Farm, SHUATS, Naini, Prayagraj, U.P. during kharif season of 2021. Two applications of seven insecticides were used against Scirtothrips dorsalis and the results revealed that among the different treatments Spinosad 0.3ml/lit (95.09%) proved to be most effective treatments followed by Fipronil 2ml/lit. (92.74%), Thiomethoxam WG25% 0.25ml/lit. (90.65%), Neem oil 2.5ml/lit (88.53%), Garlic extract 4gm/lit. (85.11%) and Eucalyptus oil 3ml/lit (81.90%). The least effective treatment Pongamia oil 4ml/lit (76.70%). Among the treatment studied, the best and most economical treatment was Spinosad (1:11.07), followed by Fipronil (1:10.36), Thiomethoxam (1:9.69), Neem oil (1:7.89), Garlic sap extract (1:6.93), Eucalyptus oil (1:5.81), Pongamia oil (1:4.93) and Control (1:3.73).
How to cite this article:
Kethineni Radhika and Ashwani Kumar. Effect of selected insecticides and essential oils on the population of chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) and chilli yield. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1267-1271.